Recruitment resources

Discover a Meaningful Career
in Deathcare

Looking for a career change or entering the workforce for the first time? Consider the deathcare profession — a unique and rewarding path where you can make a difference every single day. Whether supporting families, managing services, or working behind the scenes, this career offers the opportunity to help others through some of life’s most profound moments. Explore a profession that’s truly different—and truly impactful.

Watch this ‘short video’ to learn more about the deathcare profession.

Explore Job Opportunities in the Deathcare Profession

The deathcare profession offers diverse job opportunities across Canada, from funeral directors and embalmers to administrative, sales and support roles. Whether you’re seeking a meaningful career change or starting fresh, positions are available in urban centers and smaller communities alike.

Journey to Serve

Journey to Serve is a unique marketing campaign launched in 2021 by the Funeral Service Foundation and the ICCFA Educational Foundation, with support from the Funeral Service Association of Canada. This collaborative effort between organizations aims to engage, recruit and hire more military veterans to careers in the funeral service profession – including meaningful work in funeral homes, cemeteries, crematories, funeral vendors, finance companies, insurance partners, and all levels of support roles. When asked to name their top business challenges, owners of funeral profession businesses rank finding strong employees at the top of the list.

This campaign is an especially urgent call to action during times of crisis, such as a pandemic, when the ‘service’ part of the funeral profession really shines. Caring, competent, mission-driven employees are needed now more than ever.