Our Honourary patron

Introducing The Right Honourary Patron: Michaëlle Jean

The Right Honourary Patron: Michaëlle Jean

Honourary Patron Defined

An Honourary Patron shall be someone who, due to his/her public achievement, exemplification of outstanding leadership, and stature in society, can help the Lifelong Leadership Institute achieve its mission by enhancing the institute’s credibility, and by modeling different ideals of leadership.

Get To Know Michaëlle Jean

In 2022, the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean, the 27th Governor General of Canada, was appointed as the honourary Patron of the Funeral Service Association of Canada and deathcare workers across Canada.

Michaëlle Jean is the 27th Governor General, Commander-in-Chief of Canada, sworn in September 27, 2005, for a five-year mandate. As soon as the mandate ended, on October 1st, 2010, the United Nations immediately called on her to become UNESCO Special Envoy to support reconstruction efforts in Haiti, her country of birth devastated that same year as a result of a powerful earthquake that killed hundreds of thousands, with as many wounded and displaced. From 2011 to 2014, Michaëlle Jean also served as Chancellor of the University of Ottawa, where her offices as UNESCO Special Envoy were hosted. On November 30, 2014, Michaëlle Jean then becomes the 3rd Secretary General of La Francophonie at the 15th Summit of Heads of State and Government held in Dakar, a position to which she devoted her whole energies from January 5, 2015, to January 3, 2019.

Michaëlle Jean Work with FSAC

The Right Honourary Patron: Michaëlle Jean